Saint Paul’s Church
History and description

Saint Paul’s,
the Antwerp Dominican church,
a revelation
Rudi Mannaerts
Toerismepastoraal Antwerpen
To read the full description of the St Paul’s Church, you can choose a section below in the menu.
From there you can continue browsing, or choose another chapterAll the canons attached to a cathedral or other important church, which is then called a collegiate church. In religious orders, this is also the meeting of the religious, in a chapter house, with participants having ‘a voice in the chapter’. through the menu on the right.
- Saint Paul’s Church
- History and description
- Introduction
- Historic context
- The building history
- Saint Dominic
- Saint Paul
- The tower
- The architecture
- Floor plan and legend
- The sanctuary
- Chapel of the Holy Sacrament
- Our Lady’s chapel
- The mysteries of the Rosary
- Sermon, confession, music
- The mural paintings
- The treasury
- The Calvary garden
- Veemarkt gate
- Dominican pastoral activities
- Dominican convent
- The paintings in the cloisters
- Holy Cross Chapel
- SPK The weekly chapel
- Bibilography
Rudi MANNAERTS, Sint-Paulus, de Antwerpse dominicanenkerk, een openbaring was published by vzw Maria-Elisabeth Belpaire and vzw Toerismepastoraal Antwerpen, with the support of the Willy Hendrickx foundation.
Coördination | Lisbet Lenaers | |
Redaction | Fred Vanderpoorten | |
Layout | For the book: Frederik Hulstaert, Antwerpen For the website: Marc Dehaese | |
Fotographs | For the book: Stefan Dewickere, Edegem, except otherwise mentioned For the: Jan Vanes, except otherwise mentioned | |
Printed by | Albe De Coker, Hoboken | |
Illustrations | Katrijn Mannaerts (drawings) | |
Thanks to | Gerd Brits, Chris Deen, Piet De Smet, Ines Maes, Raymond Sirjacobs, Peter Stremes, Alfons Van Den Wyngaert, Mimi Van der Velden, Raymond Van Wassenhoven o.p., Kerkfabriek Sint-Paulus | |
ISBN | 9789080645165 | |
Legal deposit | D/2014/9326/1 |
No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher.
© VZW Toerismepastoraal Antwerpen
Heilige Geeststraat 21, 2000 Antwerpen