Antwerp, Churches and Tourism
Tourism Pastoral, Diocese of Antwerp (TOPA vzw)

Saint Charles Borromeo church

History and description

Saint Charles Borromeo

the Antwerp jesuit church

a revelation

Rudi Mannaerts

Toerismepastoraal Antwerpen

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The original Dutch edition

Rudi Mannaerts, Sint-Carolus Borromeus · De Antwerpse jezuïetenkerk, een openbaring was edited by vzw Maria-Elisabeth Belpaire and Toerismepastoraal Antwerpen, with the support of the Willy Hendrickx foundation. This book (in Dutch) was edited in Antwerp on October the 1st 2011.

Rudi Mannaerts studied art history at the Louvain university and was ordained as priest for the bishopric of Antwerp in 1989. Being responsible for Tourism Pastoral in Antwerp, he takes care of revealing the Antwerp churches. He oversees the training the guides and has various publications on church art on his behalf. He is also a teacher of religion in secondary education (St. Lievenscollege) and pastor of the Saint Andrew parish.


CoordinationLisbet Lenaers
LayoutFor the book: Frederik Hulstaert, Antwerpen
For the website: Marc Dehaese
PicturesFor the book: Stefan Dewickere, Edegem & Hugo Maertens, Brugge
For the website: Wim Strecker, unless otherwise stated
PrintLithos printing, Pulderbos
IllustrationsArchief – Sint-Carolus Borromeuskerk
Museum Plantin-Moretus/Prentenkabinet Antwerpen · UNESCO World Heritage
Katrijn Mannaerts (drawings)
 Translation Fred Vanderpoorten
Thanks toGuido de Baere SJ, Chris Deen, Pierre Delsaerdt, Marc Hesbain, Katrijn Mannaerts, Trudi Noordermeer, Ellen Storms, Herman Van Goethem, Kerkfabriek Sint-Carolus Borromeus
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© VZW Toerismepastoraal Antwerpen
Heilige Geeststraat 21, 2000 Antwerpen