Our Lady's Cathedral
History and description
To read the full description of the Our Lady’s cathedralThe main church of a diocese, where the bishop’s seat is., you can choose a section in the menu below.
From there you can continue browsing, or choose another chapterAll the canons attached to a cathedral or other important church, which is then called a collegiate church. In religious orders, this is also the meeting of the religious, in a chapter house, with participants having ‘a voice in the chapter’. in the menu on the right.
- Our Lady’s Cathedral
- History & Description
- Preface
- Introduction
- Historical context
- A centuries-long building history
- A cathedral never stands alone
- Our Lady’s spire
- The main portal
- Spatial effect
- Mary’s Assumption (C.Schut)
- Erection of the Cross (PP.Rubens)
- Descent of the Cross (PP.Rubens)
- The Resurrection (PP.Rubens)
- Mary’s Assumption (PP.Rubens)
- The high altar
- The collegial choir
- The bishop’s church
- The parish church
- The pulpit
- The confessionals
- Caring for the poor
- The Venerable chapel
- Mary’s chapel
- Corporations and guilds
- The ambulatory
- Funeral monuments
- Praise the Lord!
- Pull all stops: the organs
- Cross-bearer (J.Fabre)
- Bibliography
Rudi MANNAERTS, The Cathedral, Our Lady’s Cathedral of Antwerp, a revelation was published in June 2018 by vzw Maria-Elisabeth Belpaire and Toerismepastoraal Antwerpen, with the support of the Willy Hendrickx foundation.
First published in June 2016 as De kathedraal – De Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal van Antwerpen, een openbaring
Rudi Mannaerts studied art history at the Catholic University of Leuven and was ordained a priestIn the Roman Catholic Church, the priest is an unmarried man ordained as a priest by the bishop, which gives him the right to administer the six other sacraments: baptism, confirmation, confession, Eucharist, marriage, and the anointing of the sick. for the Antwerp diocese in 1989. As the head of the Pastoral Touristic Service in Antwerp he promotes the disclosure of the Antwerp churches.
He is responsible for the training of tourist guides and has published several books on ecclesiastical art. He also teaches religion in a secondary school (Sint-Lievenscollege) and is the vicarAccording to Canon Law, a vicar is a substitute of a minister. In a diocese, several vicars assist a bishop: priests who look after a certain policy area within the diocese (parishes, liturgy, etc.). of SaintThis is a title that the Church bestows on a deceased person who has lived a particularly righteous and faithful life. In the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church, saints may be venerated (not worshipped). Several saints are also martyrs. Andrew’s parish.
Coördination | Lisbet Lenaers | |
Translation | Fred Vanderpoorten, Alan Harrison SJ | |
Graphic design | Of the book: Frederik Hulstaert, Antwerp Of the website: Marc Dehaese | |
Photography | For the book: Stefan Dewickere, Edegem, unless state otherwise For the website: Jan Vanes (JV), Uli Alexander (UA), Wim Strecker (WS) en Marc Dehaese (MD), unless state otherwise | |
Printing | Albe De Coker, Hoboken | |
Illustrations | Katrijn Mannaerts (drawings) Documentation centre Toerismepastoraal Antwerp | |
Our thanks to | Ulrich Alexander, Chris Deen, Patricia Hernaltsteen, Hannes Hulstaert, Ines Maes, Katrijn Mannaerts, Peter Stremes, Jan Vanes, Alfons Van den Wyngaert, Mimi Van der Velden, Churchwardens and staff of Our Lady’s Cathedral Antwerp | |
ISBN | 9789080645189 | |
Legal deposit | D/2018/9326/1 |
Nothing in this publication can be copied, stored in an automatic database, or published in any other manner or form, without prior written permission from the publishers.
© VZW Toerismepastoraal Antwerp
21 Heilige Geeststraat, 2000 Antwerp