Saint James’ church
A short guide for a visit
Dear visitor, welcome to our ‘prestigious’ parish church. We hope that once you have left the stress of Antwerp’s shopping streets behind you, you will feel at home in this fascinating ‘house of God’. In this monumental church, where impressive Gothic architecture and amusing Baroque art go surprisingly well together, you may enjoy endless beauty and everything that is permeated by God’s eternal love.
The artistic importance of this church is due to the unbelievable richness of Renaissance and Baroque art: there are for instance 24 altars with almost as many paintings. But even more spectacular is the exuberant Baroque sculpture art, e.g. the high altarThe altar is the central piece of furniture used in the Eucharist. Originally, an altar used to be a sacrificial table. This fits in with the theological view that Jesus sacrificed himself, through his death on the cross, to redeem mankind, as symbolically depicted in the painting “The Adoration of the Lamb” by the Van Eyck brothers. In modern times the altar is often described as “the table of the Lord”. Here the altar refers to the table at which Jesus and his disciples were seated at the institution of the Eucharist during the Last Supper. Just as Jesus and his disciples did then, the priest and the faithful gather around this table with bread and wine., communion-rails and funeral monuments. Finally, the memorial chapel
A small church that is not a parish church. It may be part of a larger entity such as a hospital, school, or an alms-house, or it may stand alone.
An enclosed part of a church with its own altar.
of great master Peter Paul Rubens makes this church a must for every tourist. The actual restoration is to be completed by 2027.
As in many European cities, the history of Antwerp St James’s church started here in the 14th C. outside the city walls as a guest house for pilgrims from the north of Europe who were on their way to the tomb of the apostleThis is the name given to the principal twelve disciples of Jesus, who were sent by Him to preach the gospel. By extension, the term is also used for other preachers, such as the Apostle Paul and Father Damien (“The Apostle of the Lepers”). James in Santiago de Compostella. In 1415 the guild of SaintThis is a title that the Church bestows on a deceased person who has lived a particularly righteous and faithful life. In the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church, saints may be venerated (not worshipped). Several saints are also martyrs. James added a chapel. Still today, pilgrims come here to ask a blessing for their journey. They are given a pilgrimage booklet which is stamped at every visit to a Saint James sanctuary. Once arrived in Compostella they receive a shell to hang around their neck as a sign of their pilgrimage. You can find this and other travel attributes like the staff, calabash, hat, and cape incorporated in the decora-tions of the tower, as on a house at the corner of Lange Nieuwstraat, and in the church as a whole.

A ChoirIn a church with a cruciform floor plan, the part of the church that lies on the side of the nave opposite to the transept. The main altar is in the choir. and chancel with the main altar of St. James
B Our Lady’s chapel
C Chapel of the Blessed SacramentThe consecrated host, in which the presence of Jesus Christ is acknowledged. A synonym is ‘the Venerable’. In larger churches a chapel is dedicated to it, usually on the south side of the church.
D Chapel of the Holy Cross
E St. Christopher’s Chapel (Peat carriers)
F St. Dymphna’s Chapel (Rockox family)
G Chapel of St. Joseph and the Three Magi (Woodchoppers)
H Chapel of the Sweet Name of Jesus (tomb van Lantschot)
I St. Gertrude’s Chapel (Faithful Souls)
J Watch Museum (since 1984) with adjoining Lady’s corridor
K Baptistery
K2 (former) St. George’s Chapel (until 1581?),
(former) Baptistery (until 1804)
Saint Roch panels
L Chapel of the Presentation of Mary (Silk workers) (until 1797)
St. George’s Chapel (since 1867)
M St. Antony’s Chapel
N St. Roch Chapel
O St. Job’s Chapel (Musicians)
P St. Anne’s Chapel
Q St. John’s Chapel
R Chapel of the Holy Trinity (Freeing Christian Slaves)
R2 Treasury
S St. Ivo’s Chapel (Lawyers)
T ResurrectionThis is the core of the Christian faith, namely that Jesus rose from the grave on the third day after his death on the cross and lives on. This is celebrated at Easter. Chapel (families Vincque and Le Candèle)
U Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows (burial chapel of the Rubens’ family)
V St. Charles Borromeo’s Chapel (Carenna family)
W St. Peter and Paul’s Chapel (Bollaert family)
X Mary’s Visitation Chapel (Lopez-Franco family)
Y Celebrartion altar
Z Wedding Chapel
♦ In 1476, 15 years after the chapel had been promoted parish church, construction of the actual church started in the Brabantine Gothic style. Thanks to a row of chapels next to both aisles there is a three-dimensional effect that is unique in Antwerp. The strong pillars are even more conspicuous. For reasons of stability and for unity in style, the builders continued the eastern part with the choir and the ambulatoryProcessional way around the chancel, to which choir chapels and radiating chapels, if any, give way. in Gothic style, although it was the first half of the 17th C., in the full Baroque period. Even Baroque master P. P. Rubens received a memorial chapel in Gothic style (⇒ U).
♦ The universal temptation to always have more, and thus build ever taller, stimulated the builders to have (only) one tower that would place into shadow even the tall tower of Our-Lady’s CathedralThe main church of a diocese, where the bishop’s seat is.. However, in the end, only one third of this 150 m tall dream was realized. Despite this frustration, St James’s church has a strong solid tower, which has not only been an essential part of Antwerp’s skyline for already 500 years, but which also functions as a surprise effect in the maze of narrow streets of the old centre.
♦ As a parish church St James’s church too – just like Our Lady’s Cathedral – offered a place for the chapels of some smaller corporations, such as the peat bearers (⇒ E) and the silk workers (their triptych: ⇒ L). The musicians, around the figure of the miserable Job, show their inspiring wind as well as string instruments (⇒ O). Some of the corporations chose their patron saints as professional role models; St Ivo, who defended the poor ‘pro bono’, for the lawyers (⇒ S), St Joseph for the carpenters (⇒ G).
Besides, many confraternities used to practice their devotion in their own chapels. So did the brotherhood of the Holy TrinityThe concept that there is one God who shows himself in threefold form: Father, Son (Jesus of Nazareth) and the Holy Spirit., which raised money to free Christian slaves in North Africa (⇒ R). The most prestigious confraternities, those with the largest chapels, are still active: the one of the BlessedUsed of a person who has been beatified. Beatification precedes canonisation and means likewise that the Church recognises that this deceased person has lived a particularly righteous and faithful life. Like a saint, he/she may be venerated (not worshipped). Some beatified people are never canonised, usually because they have only a local significance. SacramentIn Christianity, this is a sacred act in which God comes to man. Sacraments mark important moments in human life. In the Catholic Church, there are seven sacraments: baptism, confession, Eucharist, confirmation, anointing of the sick, marriage and ordination. (⇒ C), and the one of Our Lady (⇒ B).
♦ (⇒ A) After the choir had been finished, a chapterAll the canons attached to a cathedral or other important church, which is then called a collegiate church. In religious orders, this is also the meeting of the religious, in a chapter house, with participants having ‘a voice in the chapter’. was established in 1656. Until 1801, the church enjoyed the status of a ‘collegiate’ church, due to the canons of the chapter. Every day, on fixed hours, they would come to the choirstalls to pray and sing in honour of God. Even the flora and fauna join in this hymn as you can notice in the sculpture; the imagination of uncle and nephew Artus I and Artus II Quellin (1658-‘70) is truly magnificent. Everyone’s attention is drawn to the glorification of St James on the flamboyant and triumphant marble high altar (Artus II Quellin and Willem Kerrickx 1685). God sits on his throne under a (wooden) baldachin in the shape of an enormous, open scallop. Another characteristic feature of St James’s church is the 17th C. rood loft (Sebastiaan de Neve), with an organ by the famous Jan-Baptist Forceville (1727), of which the tracker action still functions. Michiel I Van der Voort carved the angels playing music.
♦ Unfortunately, the original Gothic and early Renaissance art pieces are no longer present. They were destroyed in the two iconoclasms of 1566 and 1581. After the Calvinist occupation had ended, the naveThe rear part of the church which is reserved for the congregation. The nave extends to the transept. was given back to the Catholics in 1585. One altarpiecePainted and/or carved back wall of an altar placed against a wall or pillar. Below the retable there is sometimes a predella., The life of Saint Roch (1517), survived these disastrous annihilations (⇒ K2). The revival of Catholic faith created an enormously rich Baroque artistic patrimony, as for instance a plenitude of different marbles. The fact that almost everything in St James’s church has been preserved is exceptional. This is thanks to a priestIn the Roman Catholic Church, the priest is an unmarried man ordained as a priest by the bishop, which gives him the right to administer the six other sacraments: baptism, confirmation, confession, Eucharist, marriage, and the anointing of the sick. who was loyal to the French revolutionary rule and swore an oath of allegiance to the French Republic. As a sort of reward, he could indicate one church in Antwerp to be spared.
As a result, the treasury (⇒ R2) has a hostA portion of bread made of unleavened wheat flour that, according to Roman Catholic belief, becomes the body of Christ during the Eucharist. of liturgical tools, both silversmiths’ work and textiles. Still the destruction of most stained windows by V-bombs (which landed in the area) at the end of the WW II was a tragic loss for the church. In the 1960’s most of them were renewed by Oscar Calders after a design of Louis-Charles Crespin. Fortunately the oldest window (ca. 1535), The Last Supper in St Hubert’s chapel (⇒ E) survived.
♦ (⇒ C) In the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament you can admire the beauty of Baroque sculptures at their highest level. In a panel at the left of the altar (Lodewijk Willemssens and PetrusHe was one of the twelve apostles. He was a fisherman who, together with his brother Andrew, was called by Jesus to follow Him. He is the disciple most often mentioned In the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. His original name was Simon. He got his nickname Peter (i.e. rock) from Jesus, who, according to tradition, said that He would build His Church on this rock. I Verbruggen, 1690) an altar boy with jingling sacring bells calls the attention for the consecrationIn the Roman Catholic Church, the moment when, during the Eucharist, the bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus, the so-called transubstantiation, by the pronouncement of the sacramental words.. Particularly attractive are the communionThe consumption of consecrated bread and wine. Usually this is limited to eating the consecrated host. rails, which were designed by Willem Kerrickx and Hendrik Verbruggen in 1695. The rails were so realistically carved that one almost forgets that they are made of marble. Angelic altar boys adore Jesus in the appearance of bread and wine with the appropriate gestures and they recognise Him in the real Lamb of God.
The stained glass window shows a marvellous green landscape. This masterpiece by Jan de Labaer (1626) represents, in several scenes, the story of Rudolf of Habsburg, who was willing to offer his horse to a priest so that he could administer the last sacramentsThese sacraments are administered to someone who is in danger of dying through old age or illness. In this order, they are last confession, anointing of the sick and last communion. and Holy Communion to a dying person.
♦ (⇒ B) Our Lady’s chapel – Since 1664 Our Lady has been masterly honoured between the helical columns of the altar by Sebastiaan van den Eynde. Once the Confraternity of the Dejected Mother (= The Sorrowful Mother) flourished here by the devotional statue The Piëta (Artus II Quellin, 1650). Since the 19th C Our Lady – Auxiliary of the Christians has been on the altar. The two magnificent stained-glass windows show happier moments in her life: The Annunciation (to Mary) and The Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elisabeth (Jan de Labaer, 1629 and 1644).
Have you ever seen a pig eating in a church? Take a look at the Prodigal Son. As an example for all converted sinners, he stands near one of the confessionals to support other sinners in finding reconciliation.
♦ St James’s is rich in memorial monuments because it used to be the parish church of many upper-class people in the 17th and 18th C. Some other monuments were placed in the 19th C.
(⇒ E) Do you feel compassion with the mother who ordered a portrait statue for her dead son, a Carthusian monkA male member of a monastic order who concentrates on a life of balance between prayer and work in the seclusion of a monastery or abbey.? The young monk with the shaved head is concentrated ‘in the eternal adoration’.
(⇒ H) What do you think of Mr Cornelis Lantschot, who was so confident about a place in heaven because of his many alms and his ‘powerful’ prayers?
(⇒ I) Did you ever see a strategist who, despite his genius and his impressive arsenal, still has to surrender to the one last enemy, death itself? Indeed, Don Francesco Marcos Del Pico, the marquis of Velasco, once governor of the citadel, doesn’t present himself as a very important person (VIP) any longer, but shares the final destiny of all mortals.
Some fortunate 17th C. families paid for private memorial chapels.
(⇒ U) The most famous among them is that of the family of P.P. Rubens (Our Lady’s chapel, in the eastern part of the church). This chapel was completed in 1645, five years after his death. Rubens himself dedicated the painting Our Lady Surrounded by Saints – which for reasons unknown never reached its original destination – to his own memorial chapel. So, don’t look for portraits of his relatives, nor of himself here. On the occasion of Rubens’s demise, a clergyman testified: “Now he has gone to the original of several beautiful paintings that he has left us.”
(⇒ V) The Carenna family of Milanese origin chose Saint Charles Borromeo of Milan, represented as patron saint of the plague-ridden by Jacques (‘James’) Jordaens.
♦ The tub of the pulpit, made by Lodewijk Willemssens in 1675, is carried by allegoric figures. In the middle is Faith, the important virtue, supported not only by Truth but also by Theology as the intellectual side of it. Faith must be proclaimed in preaching to instruct the people, but always in full respect of the truth. Almost hidden under the stairs Instruction holds up a mirror with the text: “Look here and you’ll become wiser.” Teachers aim to inspire people by having them reflect about famous model figures that can be an example in a particular field. The question is always: “Who is my model?”
♦ And it is from the lower open level of the tower that the monumental Anneessen organ (1884) has its sound reverberated in the church.
♦ The church received the honour of the title ‘prestigious collegiate’ given to the chapter by pope Clemens XI in 1705. With the chapter that title was abolished in 1801. However, people are more than impressed by all the richness and the beauty. At the end of the 19th C., a German visitor described Saint James’s church as follows: “the richest church of the Germanic countries should be in Venice”. Well, even though the Antwerp chauvinists have enjoyed that compliment, they of course prefer to keep Saint James’s church close to themselves.
Toerismepastoraal Antwerpen (TOPA)