Antwerp, Churches and Tourism
Tourism Pastoral, Diocese of Antwerp (TOPA vzw)

Deurne, Saint Fredegand’s Church

The church is in the centre of Deurne. It is a listed building.

At the ‘Battle of Deurne’ on March 2nd 1579, between the Spanish troops and those of the States-General of the Netherlands, the church and the entire village were destroyed. In the first half of the 17th century the freestanding aisled church was rebuilt in late gothic style, with local bricks and layers of white sandstone. In October 1644 the church was consecrated. It is quite particular that there is no western tower.

The rich Baroque interior is partly from the former Antwerp St Michael’s Abbey since in the 19th century Fredegand Parish was served by Norbertines from this abbey. Nice Baroque altars. The high altar (1700) contains a painting by J.P. Ykens (1701) and the Fredegand altar (1680), sculpted by J.B. De Vré, has a painting by P. Ykens (1682).

It is assumed that St Fredegand was from this region and lived in the 7th century. He would have been a Benedictine abbot in Deurne and he was especially devoted to the christening of the local population. Because there was an increasing devotion for this saint the church was dedicated to St Fredegand in 1644. Before that time however, it was Our Lady’s Church. Our Lady of Peace is still being worshiped in this church.

The place is also famous for its churchyard with numerous tombs of members of the Antwerp Middle Class who have been buried here since the 18th century.

Via THIS MAP you can determine a route in function of your means of transport. You might want to use VELO-Antwerpen :

Practical information

Holy Mass Sunday: 10:30 Hours of visit before and after de Holy Mass Ascension, Heritage day, Days of the Open Churchesfree entry Information +32 (0)479 73 50 03 Presbytery Lakborslei 31 +32 (0)3 324 20 24