Antwerp, Churches and Tourism
Tourism Pastoral, Diocese of Antwerp (TOPA vzw)

Saint George’s Church

Neo-Gothic church (1853) designed by architect Léon Suys. West to east orientation. Two strikingly beautiful openwork eastern towers with gilded crowning. On the façade there are statues of Saint George and the 12 apostles. Nice cycle of moralizing mural paintings (1871) by G. Guffens and J. Swerts. Furniture and ornaments make up a stylistic whole. From the former church, which was pulled down during the French Revolution, a few altar pieces and epitaphs (including that of Frans I Francken) have survived. From the church of the Spanish Citadel there is the devotional statue of “Our Lady of the castle” in her stately gown (1867). A reliquary (1878) devoted to no few than 40 (patron) saints reminds of the cholera epidemic of 1859.

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