The nightly liturgical service on EasterThe feast that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus on the 3 day after his death on the cross. This means that Jesus lives on despite his death. This feast is celebrated on the 1 Sunday after the 1 full moon of spring. eve. Easter Vigil is the most important religious ceremony. It is the feast of light, the feast of water and the feast of joy for Jesus’s resurrectionThis is the core of the Christian faith, namely that Jesus rose from the grave on the third day after his death on the cross and lives on. This is celebrated at Easter.. During this ceremony the new Easter Candle is blessedUsed of a person who has been beatified. Beatification precedes canonisation and means likewise that the Church recognises that this deceased person has lived a particularly righteous and faithful life. Like a saint, he/she may be venerated (not worshipped). Some beatified people are never canonised, usually because they have only a local significance..