Through this sacramentIn Christianity, this is a sacred act in which God comes to man. Sacraments mark important moments in human life. In the Catholic Church, there are seven sacraments: baptism, confession, Eucharist, confirmation, anointing of the sick, marriage and ordination., a person becomes a member of the Church community of faith. The core of the event is a ritual washing, which is usually limited to sprinkling the head with water. Traditionally baptism is administered by a priestIn the Roman Catholic Church, the priest is an unmarried man ordained as a priest by the bishop, which gives him the right to administer the six other sacraments: baptism, confirmation, confession, Eucharist, marriage, and the anointing of the sick., but nowadays it is often also done by a deaconIn the early Christian Church, the deacon was a man or woman ordained to practise Christian mercy (care of the poor, the sick, prisoners, strangers). In the course of history, the ordination of deacon became an ordination that preceded priesthood. Since the Second Vatican Council [1962-1965], the ministry of deacon has revived. Now the 'permanent deacon' is a man, married or not, who in addition to the permanent care of the weak, also has a role in preaching and proclamation. He may also administer two sacraments: baptism and anointing of the sick..