Antwerp, Churches and Tourism
Tourism Pastoral, Diocese of Antwerp (TOPA vzw)


A member of a religious order founded by Saint Norbert in Prémontré (Northern France) in 1220. Hence the official name for Norbertine is regular canon of the Order of Prémontré. In Antwerp, St Michael’s Abbey was a Norbertine (or Premonstratensian) abbey.


A male member of a monastic order who concentrates on a life of balance between prayer and work in the seclusion of a monastery or abbey.

Altar server

Someone – usually a child between the ages of 8 and 16 – who helps the priest during the Eucharist or accompanies him during the administration of the Last Sacraments.


Someone who refused to renounce his/her faith and was therefore killed. Many martyrs are also saints.


Man or woman who, during a church ceremony, performs the reading(s) of the Bible, except for the Gospel reading, and who may also read other texts and prayers (penitential, prayer of the faithful, reflective text, etc.).


The person entrusted with the daily care of the church building and the preparation of liturgical objects for worship.


A person who lives alone and isolated from the world in order to live a sober and pious life. The home of a hermit is called “hermitage”.


Female member of a religious order


A lay person who is a member of the fabric committee. In this position, he/she is co-responsible for the material and financial management of the building and all the church’s property.

Fabric committee

An official institution that manages the material resources needed for worship in a parish. In concrete terms, this means that it handles the (re)construction and maintenance of the church building, the purchase of liturgical vestments and objects, the payment of the organist’s wages and possibly the staff’s, … The fabric committee has revenues from particular […]