Antwerp, Churches and Tourism
Tourism Pastoral, Diocese of Antwerp (TOPA vzw)

Ascension of Jesus

The Acts of the Apostles tells how, forty days after Easter, Jesus ascended to heaven before his disciples’ eyes and disappeared from their sight. Immediately an angel comes to tell them that they have a duty on earth. This feast is always on a Thursday, forty days after Easter.

Holy Week

The week before Easter, which begins with Palm Sunday. In that week there is also Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. It ends with Holy Saturday.

Good Friday

The Friday before Easter when the death of Jesus on the cross is commemorated. Traditionally, the Stations of the Cross are used as a source of meditation on this day.

Three Kings’ Day

On January 6th the gospel story is commemorated which tells how magi from the East came to honour Jesus as the Son of God. This feast is also called Epiphany (from the Greek word referring to the manifestation of a deity), because the magi acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God who has become man.

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday of the 7th week before Easter. On this day Lent begins. It is a day of penance and repentance, which is symbolised by the ash cross: a cross is drawn or stamped on the forehead with ashes, while these words are being said: “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return “.

All Souls’ Day

Feast-day on which the Church commemorates all the dead. It is celebrated on November 2nd.

All Saints

Feast-day on which the Church commemorates all the saints who do not have a feast-day of their own. It is celebrated on November 1st.


Preparation period for Christmas. This period begins on the 4th Sunday before Christmas.